Wed 10 Oct 2012
Enablers on Mountain Lion Server
Category : Technology/EnablersOnMtnLion.txt
I've been working on making all my "enabler" apps work on Mountain Lion Server. If you want to track my progress, check out this Facebook page:, where you can leave your comments and any queries you may have.
Today, I've managed to get MailServe, DNS Enabler and even WebMon working on Mountain Lion Server.
I can confirm that the current latest shipping versions of MailServe (6.0.3) and DNS Enabler (6.0.2) will work without problems on Mountain Lion Server.
Unfortunately WebMon needs some further work.
So, I'm now working on an update to WebMon so that one single version will set up the web server and WebDav for both Mountain Lion client and Mountain Lion Server. Hopefully I can get this version done by this weekend.
Posted at 10:35AM UTC | permalink